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Friday, April 26, 2013

The Chimney-Sweeper (songs of Experience) Analysis By William Wordsworth

The Chimney Sweeper
By William Wordsworth
A little black thing among the snow,
Crying "'weep! 'weep!" in notes of woe!
"Where are thy father and mother, say? "
"They are both gone up to the church to pray.
"Because I was happy upon the heath,
And smiled among the winter's snow,
They clothed me in the clothes of death,
And taught me to sing the notes of woe.
"And because I am happy and dance and sing,
They think they have done me no injury,
And are gone to praise God and his Priest and King,
Who make up a heaven of our misery."
وتسرد معاناة طفل صغير يعمل في تنظيف الكنائس
وتصف القصيدة الطفل لشدة صغرة ووجه الملطخ بالدخان وكأنه نقطه صغيره سوداء وسط الثلج . وهو لشدة صغره لا
يستطيع أن يلفظ كلمة Sweep
جيدا التي معناها
منظف . فهو يصرخ قائلاً ًweep وهنا تظهر براعة وليام بليك بالتلاعب بهاتين الكلمتين ف weep معناها بالانجليزية ابكي واندب
وكأن الطفل بدل أن ينادي بالشوارع باسم وظيفته حتى يناديه من يحتاج إليه
فهو يدعو الجميع للبكاء والنواح على حاله- الطفل ليس بهذا الذكاء بل وليام بليك باستخدامه هاتين الكلمتين_
وعندما يسأله أحدهم عن والديه يبدأ الطفل بسرد قصته كيف جعلاه والديه يعمل
فقط لأنه كان سعيدا ويلهو مع الصبية وهنا اشارة ان سبب تعاسة معظم الاطفال
اباءهم. ويقول الطفل لأني كنت سعيدا وأغني لقد اعتقدوا انهم لم يؤذوني بشيء.
وهنا يأتي البيتان الاخيران الذين اقما اوروبا الكاثوليكية واقعدها
فهو يقول ذهبا -يقصد والديه-للكنيسه ليمدحا الله ورجل الدين والملك
الذين أقاموا جنتهم على حساب تعاستنا.
وبليك لا يقصد
الله الذات الالهيه بل الملوك واصحاب السلطه والكنيسه التي كانت تضيق الخناق
على الاوروبين انذاك

This poem savagely exposes the hypocrisy of conventional religion; the father and mother are gone up to church to pray while their child is abandoned to the elements. The narrator asks the chimney sweep where his parents are; the child tries to explain why they have abandoned him to misery. The poem is also savage about how we misunderstand children’s emotions: because the young sweep might appear happy, in the sense that he is making the best of a dreadful situation, his self-serving and self-deluding parents choose to believe that they have done him ‘no injury’.
The force of the scene is heightened by being placed in winter, amid ‘snow’, reflecting and emphasizing the cold-heartedness of the everyday world of Experience.
In his second The Chimney Sweeper Blake condemns the hypocrisy of the pious, especially of the clergy who opposed the legislation to correct the abuses against these young waifs. The line “And because I am happy & dance & sing” may refer ironically to a May day custom; sweeps and milkmaids were given the day off and permitted to sing, dance, and do stunts in the streets for pennies.
A very much darker and more savage vision here than in the counterpart poem in the Songs of Innocence. The references to a church which is complicit in the repression of the child, together with the treatment of the negligent parents, make this one of the most bitter poems in the sequence, with its emphasis on a whole system (God, Priest and King) which represses the child, even forcing him to conceal his unhappiness (a reference to being “clothed”), psychologically as well as physically).
The Chimney Sweeper is sons of experience, a very dark and very pessimistic. The Sweeper does not free himself from his misery
In the first two lines, Blake gave us an image of anguished child in a state of agony or even in a state of corruption
The color black seems to be very important because it is used represent sin against innocence, the color of white snow
This stanza ends by someone asking him about his parents which later end up being responsible for this child’s state
In the second stanza, the child is pictured in a very more ha
ppier and playful mood
This soon changes when he decided to tell the stranger more about his parents. They are showed to be punishing their child for being so happy
It is very obvious the sweeper’s feels hate towards his parents for putting him in such sadness, and he was choose to hide it
It is clear in the last stanza that Blake’s criticizing the church, especially, and the state for letting a lot of these things happen.
During this time many children were dying from malnutrition
Neither the state nor the church did anything to stop this and is obviously why Blake feels so much anger towards them
The sweeper’s parents are really no help towards their own child
This makes the reader wonder if they are worshipped god the source of good things, why do they choose to ignore their own child
It is clearly shows Blake’s anger towards society at this time
He used his poems to make people aware of the suffering of people at this time.


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